Kill la Kill Wiki

I want to know is the 15th track and fifth vocal song in the Kill la Kill Original Soundtrack. The vocals are sung by Benjamin Anderson. The song also has a karaoke version in the 2nd Volume.

It is heard in episode 20 and 21 during the sequences inside Ryūko Matoi's head while she is fused with Junketsu.

  • Lyrics by: mpi & Benjamin Anderson
  • Music by: Hiroyuki Sawano



You're alone in the rain
Been thinking of you
You can't stop your tears
When you stayed with me just before
I want to know
Do you love me

How long you had to wait for me
You can't think of yesterday
I got in a fight
When you saw me
But I couldn't talk and sprawled out on the floor
So it's too late

Oh Girl, How can I speak with you
If you could hear my secret
Now I really want to talk
It's a shame
Oh, Did you know
A way that you can find what you seek
You'll be stronger for real

You're alone in the rain
Been thinking of you
You can't stop your tears
When you stayed with me just before
I want to know
Do you love me

How long you had to wait for me
You can't think of yesterday
I got in a fight
When you saw me
But I couldn't talk and sprawled out on the floor
So it's too late

Oh Girl, How can I speak with you
If you could hear my secret
Now I really want to talk
It's a shame
Oh, Did you know
A way that you can find what you seek
You'll be stronger for real
